var nc_sid; var nc_name; var wplc_cid; var socket; var FADE_TIME = 150; // ms var TYPING_TIMER_LENGTH = 1000; // ms var username = 'Guest'; var connected = false; var typing = false; var lastTypingTime; var nifty_is_chat_open = false; var nifty_chat_status = "browsing"; var bleeper_show_drag_zone = false; /* helps us keep track of which messages made it to the server */ var bleeper_msg_confirmations = {}; /** * Keep track of recent agents * @type {array} */ var bleeper_recent_agents = undefined; var bleeper_recent_agents_data = undefined; /** * Setup Query String, customer ID, and fingerprint */ var query_string = ""; var bleeper_customerID = null; var bleeper_fingerprint = null; /** * Set allowed file types */ var bleeper_file_suffix_check = [ "zip", "pdf", "txt", "mp3", "mpa", "ogg", "wav", "wma", "7z", "rar", "db", "xml", "csv", "sql", "apk", "exe", "jar", "otf", "ttf", "fon", "fnt", "ai", "psd", "svg", "tif", "tiff", "ps", "msi", "doc", "docx", ]; var wplc_chat_delegates; var wplc_connect; var bleeper_ping = new Audio(wplc_baseurl + "/audio/ding.mp3"); var bleeper_inactive = false; var bleeper_inactive_timeout; var bleeper_timeout_duration = 300000; var bleeperAverageResponseTime = undefined; /** * An array to keep track of agent disconnects * @type {array} */ var agent_disc_timer = []; /** * Set the default agent_joined variable * @type {array} */ var agent_joined = []; /** * Used to identify the heartbeat timer */ var user_hearbeat; /** * variable to check if the agent is online or not - this is set after the first run to the server * @type {Boolean} */ var wplc_online = false; /** * Everytime the user clicks the minimize button this is set to true * @type {Boolean} */ var nifty_is_minimized = false; /** * Used as a set up variables for the text editor */ var selectedIndexStart; var selectedIndexEnd; var checkSelection = true; /** * Set up the global variable for the function */ var wplcFormatParser; /** * Variable to help identfy if we are editing a message * @type {Boolean} */ var niftyIsEditing = false; /** * Identify the last message sent, so when we press UP we can edit it */ var lastmessagesent; /** * Sets default for identifying if the welcome message has been sent yet, or not * @type {Boolean} */ var nifty_welcome_message_sent = false; var $inputMessage = ''; var $messages = ''; var bleeper_first; var bleeper_current; var bleeper_location_info = false; /* Regex for inline links */ var bleeper_link_match_regex = /(\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!,.;<>]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|<>])/ig; /* OS Holder */ var bleeper_user_current_os = false; //When false the 'bleeper_get_operating_system' function will run all actions to identify the OS /** * Generate a unique ID for the visitor * * @return {string} guid */ function wplc_jsguid() { var nav = window.navigator; var screen = window.screen; var guid = nav.mimeTypes.length; guid += nav.userAgent.replace(/\D+/g, ''); guid += nav.plugins.length; guid += screen.height || ''; guid += screen.width || ''; guid += screen.pixelDepth || ''; return guid; }; /** * Setup the socket query variable, which is appended to the socket connection whenever the soket connects to the node servers */ function wplc_set_up_query_string() { if (typeof wplc_guid !== "undefined") { query_string += "&guid=" + wplc_guid; } if (typeof bleeper_user_ip_address !== "undefined") { query_string += "&user_ip=" + bleeper_user_ip_address; } if (typeof bleeper_location_info !== "undefined" && bleeper_location_info !== false) { if (typeof bleeper_location_info.code !== "undefined" && typeof !== "undefined") { query_string += "&location_code=" + bleeper_location_info.code + "&location_name=" +; } } bleeper_customerID = wplc_getCookie('bleeper_customerID'); if (typeof bleeper_customerID !== "undefined" && bleeper_customerID !== '' && bleeper_customerID !== null) { query_string += "&customer_id=" + bleeper_customerID; } bleeper_fingerprint = wplc_jsguid(); if (typeof bleeper_fingerprint !== "undefined" && bleeper_fingerprint !== '' && bleeper_fingerprint !== null) { query_string += "&bleeper_fingerprint=" + bleeper_fingerprint; } if (typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof window.location !== "undefined" && typeof window.location.href !== "undefined") { query_string += "&referer=" + window.location.href; } query_string = wplc_query_cleanup(query_string); } jQuery(document).on('wplc_sockets_ready', function () { console.log('here'); /** * Run Query setup function */ wplc_set_up_query_string(); wplc_powered_by(); /** * Setup an inactive timer */ bleeper_inactive_timeout = setTimeout(function () { bleeper_inactive = true; }, bleeper_timeout_duration); if (typeof bleeper_message_override !== "undefined") { bleeper_ping = new Audio(bleeper_message_override); } /*Find nifty object and check if online */ if (wplc_test_localStorage()) { var wplc_d = new Date(); wplc_d.toUTCString(); var cdatetime = Math.floor(wplc_d.getTime() / 1000); if (localStorage.getItem('bleeper_first') === null) { localStorage.setItem('bleeper_first', cdatetime); bleeper_first = cdatetime; } else { bleeper_first = localStorage.getItem('bleeper_first'); } localStorage.setItem('bleeper_current', cdatetime); bleeper_current = cdatetime; } if (typeof ns_obj === 'undefined') { //Nifty Chat Object not created yet } else { if (ns_obj.o === '1') { wplc_online = true; } else { wplc_run = false; wplc_online = false; } } wplc_check_minimize_cookie = Cookies.get('nifty_minimize'); var dragTimeout = -1; jQuery("html").bind("dragenter", function () { jQuery("#chat_drag_zone").fadeIn(); bleeper_show_drag_zone = true; }); jQuery("html").bind("dragover", function () { bleeper_show_drag_zone = true; }); jQuery("html").bind("dragleave", function () { bleeper_show_drag_zone = false; clearTimeout(dragTimeout); dragTimeout = setTimeout(function () { if (!bleeper_show_drag_zone) { jQuery("#chat_drag_zone").fadeOut(); } }, 200); }); jQuery("#chat_drag_zone").on("dragover", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); }); jQuery("#chat_drag_zone").on("dragleave", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); }); jQuery("#chat_drag_zone").on("drop", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if (jQuery('#nifty_add_media:checked').length > 0) { //Do nothing its open } else { jQuery("#nifty_add_media").click(); } var fileInput = document.getElementById('nifty_file_input'); fileInput.files = event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files; jQuery("#chat_drag_zone").fadeOut(); }); /** * Builds the socket delegates. This needs to be called everytime a connection is made (i.e. moving from a short poll to a long poll) */ wplc_chat_delegates = function (keepalive) { nifty_chat_status_temp = nc_getCookie("nc_status"); if (typeof nifty_chat_status_temp !== "undefined" && nifty_chat_status_temp === "active") { /* leave the cookie untouched as we are already in ACTIVE state and should continue in this state until changed. */ } else { if (keepalive) { niftyUpdateStatusCookie("active"); } else { niftyUpdateStatusCookie("browsing"); } } nifty_username_temp = nc_getCookie("nc_username"); if (typeof nifty_username_temp !== "undefined") { username = nifty_username_temp; } // Socket events socket.on('connect', function (data) { nc_add_user(socket, data); nifty_chat_status_temp = nc_getCookie("nc_status"); if (typeof nifty_chat_status_temp !== "undefined" && nifty_chat_status_temp === "active") { if (typeof user_hearbeat === "undefined") { user_hearbeat = setInterval(function () { if (socket.connected) socket.emit('heartbeat'); }, 5000); } } jQuery.event.trigger({ type: 'bleeper_socket_connected', status: nifty_chat_status_temp }); }); socket.on("force_disconnect", function (data) { socket.disconnect({ test: 'test' }); if (typeof user_heartbeat !== "undefined") clearInterval(user_hearbeat); user_heartbeat = undefined; /* reconnect this socket in 7 seconds to check for a forced chat on the agents end */ setTimeout(function () { wplc_connect(false); }, 12000); /* its important that this number is less than the TTL of the variable in redis */ }); socket.on("blacklisted", function (data) { jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "bleeper_blacklisted", ndata: data }); }); socket.on("user blocked", function (data) { socket.disconnect({ blocked: 'blocked' }); CookieDate.setFullYear(CookieDate.getFullYear() + 1); Cookies.set('bleeper_b', '1', { expires: CookieDate, path: '/' }); jQuery("#wp-live-chat-4").remove(); jQuery("#wp-live-chat-wraper").remove(); keepalive = false; }); socket.on("customerID", function (data) { var CookieDate = new Date; CookieDate.setFullYear(CookieDate.getFullYear() + 1); Cookies.set('bleeper_customerID', data.customerID, { expires: CookieDate, path: '/' }); }); socket.on("agent initiate", function (data) { if (typeof user_hearbeat === "undefined") { socket.emit('initiate received', { chatid: wplc_cid }); user_hearbeat = setInterval(function () { if (socket.connected) { socket.emit('heartbeat'); } }, 5000); } niftyUpdateStatusCookie('active'); jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "bleeper_agent_initiated_chat", ndata: data }); }); /* Confirm that a message was saved to the db */ socket.on('message received', function (data) { if (typeof data !== 'undefined') { if (typeof data.msgID !== 'undefined' && typeof data.outcome !== 'undefined') { bleeper_msg_confirmations[data.msgID] = data.outcome; } } }); socket.on('message read received', function (data) { jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "bleeper_message_read_received", ndata: data }); }); socket.on('agent to participant ping', function (data) { socket.emit('agent to participant ping received', { fromsocket:, intendedsocket: data.fromsocket, chatid: data.chatid }); }); socket.on("chat ended", function (data) { jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "bleeper_chat_ended_notification", ndata: data }); jQuery("#bleeper_chat_ended").show(); bleeper_end_chat_div_create(); //$("#wplc_user_message_div").hide(); if (typeof user_heartbeat !== "undefined") clearInterval(user_heartbeat); user_heartbeat = undefined; socket.disconnect({ test: 'test' }); niftyUpdateStatusCookie('browsing'); // restart connection as a visitor if (typeof io !== "undefined") { wplc_set_up_query_string(); socket = io.connect(WPLC_SOCKET_URI, { query: query_string, transports: ['websocket'] }); wplc_chat_delegates(); } if (typeof Cookies !== "undefined") { Cookies.remove("wplc_cid"); } }); socket.on("averageResponse", function (data) { jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "bleeper_average_response", ndata: data }); }); socket.on("recent_agents", function (data) { if (typeof data !== "undefined" && typeof data.agents !== "undefined") { bleeper_recent_agents = data.agents; } }); socket.on("agent_data", function (data) { if ((typeof data !== "undefined" && data !== null) && (typeof data.ndata !== "undefined" && data.ndata !== null) && (typeof data.ndata.aid !== 'undefined' && data.ndata.aid !== null)) { if (typeof bleeper_recent_agents_data === "undefined") { bleeper_recent_agents_data = {}; bleeper_recent_agents_data[data.ndata.aid] = data.ndata; } else { bleeper_recent_agents_data[data.ndata.aid] = data.ndata; } } }); socket.on("transfer chat", function (data) { addNotice({ message: 'You are being transferred to another agent. Please be patient.' }); }); socket.on("location found", function (data) { bleeper_location_info = data; //Set the data }); socket.on('chat history', function (data) { jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "bleeper_chat_history", ndata: data }); }); // Whenever the server emits 'login', log the login message socket.on('login', function (data) { connected = true; // Display the welcome message /** * Only show if this is the keepalive session (i.e. we are wanting to chat now) */ if (keepalive) { var message = "Connection established"; } }); // Whenever the server emits 'new message', update the chat body socket.on('new message', function (data) { socket.emit('message read', data); jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "bleeper_new_message", ndata: data }); if (typeof wplc_enable_ding !== 'undefined' && '1' === wplc_enable_ding) {; } }); // Whenever the server emits 'new message', update the chat body socket.on('edit message', function (data) { jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "bleeper_edit_message", ndata: data }); }); socket.on('user chat notification', function (data) { jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "bleeper_user_chat_notification", ndata: data }); }); socket.on('custom data received', function (data) { jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "bleeper_custom_data_received", ndata: data }); }); // Whenever the server emits 'new message', update the chat body socket.on('socketid', function (socketid) { document.cookie = "nc_sid=" + socketid.socketid; if (!wplc_online) {} }); socket.on('agent joined', function (data) { clearTimeout(agent_disc_timer[data.agent]); jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "bleeper_agent_joined", ndata: data }); }); socket.on('new_socket', function (socketid) {}); socket.on('agent left', function (data) { jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "bleeper_agent_left", ndata: data }); }); socket.on('agent connected', function (data) { clearTimeout(agent_disc_timer[data.aid]); }) socket.on('agent disconnected', function (data) { agent_disc_timer[data.aid] = setTimeout(function () { jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "bleeper_agent_disconnected", ndata: data }); removeChatTyping(data); }, 8000); }); // Whenever the server emits 'typing', show the typing message socket.on('typing', function (data) { jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "bleeper_typing", ndata: data }); }); // Whenever the server emits 'stop typing', kill the typing message socket.on('stop typing', function (data) { jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "bleeper_stop_typing", ndata: data }); }); // Receive CHAT ID from server socket.on('chatID', function (data) { Cookies.set('wplc_cid', data.chatid, { expires: 1, path: '/' }); wplc_cid = data.chatid; /* is chat box open? */ if (!nifty_is_chat_open) { nifty_init_chat_box_check(data.chatid); } }); socket.on("involved check returned", function (data) { jQuery.event.trigger({ type: 'bleeper_build_involved_agents_header', ndata: data }); }); socket.on('disconnect', function () { if (typeof user_heartbeat !== "undefined") clearInterval(user_heartbeat); user_heartbeat = undefined; /** * Only show if this was part of the keepalive session (i.e. an active chat) */ if (keepalive) { //log('you have been disconnected'); //TODO: Add Bleeper handler as well jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "bleeper_disconnected" }); } }); socket.on('reconnect', function () { /** * Only show if this was part of the keepalive session (i.e. an active chat) */ if (keepalive) { //log('you have been reconnected'); //TODO: Addd bleeper handler jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "bleeper_reconnect" }); } nc_add_user(socket, 'what the shizz'); }); socket.on('reconnect_error', function () { //log('attempt to reconnect has failed'); //TODO: Addd bleepet handler jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "bleeper_reconnect_error" }); }); socket.on('a2vping', function (data) { socket.emit('a2vping return', { fromsocket:, intendedsocket: data.returnsocket, chatid: data.chatid }); }) } $messages = jQuery('#wplc_chatbox'); // Messages area $inputMessage = jQuery('#wplc_chatmsg'); // Input message input box jQuery("#nifty_file_input").on("change", function () { var file = this.files[0]; //Last file in array wplcShareFile(file, '#nifty_attach_fail_icon', '#nifty_attach_success_icon', '#nifty_attach_uploading_icon', "#nifty_select_file"); jQuery("#chat_drag_zone").fadeOut(); }); /** Image pasting functionality */ try { document.getElementById('wplc_chatmsg').onpaste = function (event) { // use event.originalEvent.clipboard for newer chrome versions var items = (event.clipboardData || event.originalEvent.clipboardData).items; // find pasted image among pasted items var blob = null; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (items[i].type.indexOf("image") === 0) { blob = items[i].getAsFile(); } } // load image if there is a pasted image if (blob !== null) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (event) { document.getElementById("wplc_chatmsg").value = "####" + + "####"; jQuery("#wplc_send_msg").click(); jQuery("#bleeper_send_msg").click(); }; reader.readAsDataURL(blob); } } } catch (ex) {} jQuery("#nifty_tedit_b").click(function () { niftyTextEdit("b"); }); jQuery("#nifty_tedit_i").click(function () { niftyTextEdit("i"); }); jQuery("#nifty_tedit_u").click(function () { niftyTextEdit("u"); }); jQuery("#nifty_tedit_strike").click(function () { niftyTextEdit("strike"); }); jQuery("#nifty_tedit_mark").click(function () { niftyTextEdit("mark"); }); jQuery("#nifty_tedit_sub").click(function () { niftyTextEdit("sub"); }); jQuery("#nifty_tedit_sup").click(function () { niftyTextEdit("sup"); }); jQuery("#nifty_tedit_link").click(function () { niftyTextEdit("link"); }); setInterval(function () { getText(document.getElementById("wplc_chatmsg")); }, 1000); /** * End of rich text functionality */ /* find out if we have had a chat with this visitor before */ sid = nc_getCookie("wplc_sid"); nifty_chat_status_temp = nc_getCookie("nc_status"); if (nifty_chat_status_temp !== "undefined") { nifty_chat_status = nifty_chat_status_temp; } chatid = nc_getCookie("wplc_cid"); if (chatid !== "undefined") { wplc_cid = chatid; nc_name = nc_getCookie("nc_username"); } if (window.console) { console.log("[WPLC] Connecting to " + WPLC_SOCKET_URI); } /* is ready yet? */ /* blocked? */ var bleeper_b = wplc_getCookie('bleeper_b'); if (typeof bleeper_b !== "undefined" && bleeper_b === '1') { console.log("[WPLC] You have been blocked from using WP Live Chat Support"); return; } else { if (typeof io !== "undefined") { wplc_set_up_query_string(); socket = io.connect(WPLC_SOCKET_URI, { query: query_string, transports: ['websocket'] }); } else { var socketchecker = setInterval(function () { if (typeof io !== "undefined") { clearInterval(socketchecker); wplc_set_up_query_string(); socket = io.connect(WPLC_SOCKET_URI, { query: query_string, transports: ['websocket'] }); } }, 1000); } wplc_chat_delegates(); } /** * Connect the node socket * * @param {bool} keepalive Keep this connection alive? */ wplc_connect = function (keepalive) { if (bleeper_inactive === false) { if (typeof socket !== "undefined") { if (socket.connected) { /* already connected */ } else { //opening socket connection wplc_set_up_query_string(); socket = io.connect(WPLC_SOCKET_URI, { query: query_string, transports: ['websocket'] }); wplc_chat_delegates(keepalive); } } else { //opening socket connection2 wplc_set_up_query_string(); socket = io.connect(WPLC_SOCKET_URI, { query: query_string, transports: ['websocket'] }); wplc_chat_delegates(keepalive); } } else { /* try again in 7 seconds */ setTimeout(function () { if (socket.connected) {} else { wplc_connect(false); } }, 7000); } } // Initialize variables var $window = jQuery(window); var message_preview_currently_being_typifcationed; /** * Detect if the user is active or inactive. * * This manipulates the shortpoll connection to the server * * i.e. an inactive user will not send shortpolls. */ jQuery(document).on('mousemove', function () { clearTimeout(bleeper_inactive_timeout); bleeper_inactive = false; bleeper_inactive_timeout = setTimeout(function () { bleeper_inactive = true; }, bleeper_timeout_duration); }); document.addEventListener('bleeper_send_message', function (e) { if (typeof wplc_online !== 'undefined' && wplc_online === true) { socket.emit('stop typing', { chatid: wplc_cid }); } // reset the typing variable typing = false; // reset the niftyIsEditing variable niftyIsEditing = false; }, false); jQuery(document).on("bleeper_send_message", function (e) { //sendMessage(e.message); if (typeof wplc_online !== 'undefined' && wplc_online === true) { socket.emit('stop typing', { chatid: wplc_cid }); } // reset the typing variable typing = false; // reset the niftyIsEditing variable niftyIsEditing = false; }); // Keyboard events jQuery(document).on("keydown", "#wplc_chatmsg", function (event) { // When the client hits ENTER on their keyboard if (event.which === 13 && !event.shiftKey) { if (jQuery(this).val().trim() !== '') { event.preventDefault(); jQuery("#wplc_send_msg").click(); jQuery("#bleeper_send_msg").click(); } } else if (event.which === 38 && !event.shiftKey) { if (typeof lastmessagesent !== "undefined") { if (typeof wplc_integration_pro_active !== "undefined" && wplc_integration_pro_active === "true") { var mid = lastmessagesent; var mdiv = jQuery('.message_' + mid + " .messageBody").html(); jQuery("#wplc_chatmsg").val(mdiv); // set the niftyIsEditing variable to the msgID so we can identify if we are in the process of editing a message niftyIsEditing = mid; } } } else if (event.which === 27 && !event.shiftKey) { jQuery("#wplc_chatmsg").val(''); niftyIsEditing = false; } }); $inputMessage.keyup(function (event) { // When the client hits ENTER on their keyboard if (event.which === 13 && !event.shiftKey) {} else { if (typeof wplc_online !== 'undefined' && wplc_online === true) { var typing_preview_tmp = cleanInput($inputMessage.val()); socket.emit('typing_preview', { chatid: wplc_cid, tempmessage: typing_preview_tmp }); } } }); $inputMessage.on('input', function () { updateTyping(); }); // Click events // Focus input when clicking on the message input's border $ () { $inputMessage.focus(); }); jQuery(document).on("mouseleave", ".message", function () { var tmid = jQuery(this).attr('mid'); jQuery(".message_" + tmid + " .bleeper-edit-message").hide(); }); jQuery(document).on("mouseenter", ".message", function () { var tmid = jQuery(this).attr('mid'); jQuery(".message_" + tmid + " .bleeper-edit-message").show(); }); jQuery(document).on("click", ".bleeper_restart_chat", function () { jQuery("#wp-live-chat-header").click(); setTimeout(function () { jQuery("#wp-live-chat-header").click(); }, 50); jQuery('#wplc_end_chat_button').show(); jQuery('#wplc_end_chat_button').removeAttr('wplc_disable'); }); jQuery(document).on("click", "#wplc_send_msg", function () { var message = $inputMessage.val(); if(message.length > 2000){ message = message.substring(0, 2000); } sendMessage(message); }); jQuery(document).on("click", ".bleeper-edit-message", function () { var mid = jQuery(this).parent().attr('mid'); var mdiv = jQuery(this).siblings('.messageBody').attr("data-message"); jQuery("#wplc_chatmsg").val(mdiv); // set the niftyIsEditing variable to the msgID so we can identify if we are in the process of editing a message niftyIsEditing = mid; }); jQuery(document).on("nifty_trigger_open_chat", function (event) { open_chat(); jQuery("#bleeper_chat_ended").hide(); }); jQuery(document).on("bleeper_socket_connected", function (e) { if (typeof socket !== "undefined" && typeof nifty_chat_status !== "undefined") { if (nifty_chat_status === "active") { socket.emit('check involved agents', { chatid: chatid }); } } }); jQuery(document).on("wplc_animation_done", function (event) { if (typeof wdtEmojiBundle !== "undefined") { wdtEmojiBundle.defaults.emojiSheets = { 'apple' : wplc_baseurl + '/js/vendor/wdt-emoji/sheets/sheet_apple_64_indexed_128.png', 'google' : wplc_baseurl + '/js/vendor/wdt-emoji/sheets/sheet_google_64_indexed_128.png', 'twitter' : wplc_baseurl + '/js/vendor/wdt-emoji/sheets/sheet_twitter_64_indexed_128.png', 'emojione' : wplc_baseurl + '/js/vendor/wdt-emoji/sheets/sheet_emojione_64_indexed_128.png', 'facebook' : wplc_baseurl + '/js/vendor/wdt-emoji/sheets/sheet_facebook_64_indexed_128.png', 'messenger': wplc_baseurl + '/js/vendor/wdt-emoji/sheets/sheet_messenger_64_indexed_128.png' }; bleeper_attempt_emoji_input_init(0); } }); /* Minimize chat window */ jQuery("#wp-live-chat-minimize").on("click", function () { jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "nifty_minimize_chat" }); Cookies.set('nifty_minimize', "yes", { expires: 1, path: '/' }); nifty_is_minimized = true; }); /** * Click handler for the start chat button */ jQuery("#wplc_start_chat_btn").on("click", function () { var wplc_is_gdpr_enabled = jQuery(this).attr('data-wplc-gdpr-enabled'); if (typeof wplc_is_gdpr_enabled !== "undefined" && (wplc_is_gdpr_enabled === 'true')) { var wplc_gdpr_opt_in_checked = jQuery("#wplc_chat_gdpr_opt_in").is(':checked'); if (typeof wplc_gdpr_opt_in_checked === "undefined" || wplc_gdpr_opt_in_checked === false) { /* GDPR requirements not met */ jQuery("#wplc_chat_gdpr_opt_in").addClass('incomplete'); return false; } jQuery("#wplc_chat_gdpr_opt_in").removeClass('incomplete'); } var wplc_name = jQuery("#wplc_name").val(); var wplc_email = jQuery("#wplc_email").val(); if (wplc_name.length <= 0) { alert("Please enter your name"); return false; } if (wplc_email.length <= 0) { alert("Please enter your email address"); return false; } if (jQuery("#wplc_email").attr('wplc_hide') !== "1") { var testEmail = /^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@([A-Z0-9-]+\.)+[A-Z]{2,6}$/i; if (!testEmail.test(wplc_email)) { alert("Please Enter a Valid Email Address"); return false; } } jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "nifty_trigger_start_chat" }); var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (2 * 60 * 1000)); niftyUpdateUserDataCookies(wplc_name, wplc_email); niftyUpdateGravCookie(md5(wplc_email)); niftyUpdateStatusCookie("active"); wplc_connect(true); var request_chat_checker = setInterval(function () { if (typeof socket !== "undefined" && typeof socket.connected !== "undefined" && socket.connected === true) { clearInterval(request_chat_checker); socket.emit("request chat", { chatid: wplc_cid, name: wplc_name, email: wplc_email }); } else { //still not connected, trying again } }, 300); }); }); // document.ready /** * Add a log to the chat box * * @param {string} message Log message string * @param {object} options Options for the message being added (fade, prepend) */ function log(message, options) { var $el = jQuery('
  • ').addClass('log').text(message); addMessageElement($el, options); } /** * Add a notice to the chat box * * @param {object} data Chat message data packet * @param {object} options Options for the message being added (fade, prepend) */ function addNotice(data, options) { options = options || {}; var new_item = ""; if (options.is_admin) { new_item += "
  • "; } else { new_item += "
  • "; } var $messageBodyDiv = jQuery('') .html(wplcFormatParser(data.message)); var $messageDiv = jQuery(new_item) .append($messageBodyDiv) addMessageElement($messageDiv, options); } /** * Remove any remaining 'typing messages' * * @param {object} data Data to check */ function removeChatTyping(data) { getTypingMessages(data).fadeOut(function () { jQuery(this).remove(); }); } /** * Add a message elemtn to the document. Mostly used for events as WPLC will handle message appending * * @param {element} el The element to add to the chat box * @param {object} options Options for the message being added (fade, prepend) */ function addMessageElement(el, options) { var $el = jQuery(el); // Setup default options if (!options) { options = {}; } if (typeof options.fade === 'undefined') { options.fade = true; } if (typeof options.prepend === 'undefined') { options.prepend = false; } // Apply options if (options.fade) { $el.hide().fadeIn(FADE_TIME); } if (options.prepend) { $messages.prepend($el); } else { $messages.append($el); } $messages[0].scrollTop = $messages[0].scrollHeight; } /** * Update the typing statu on the socket */ function updateTyping() { if (connected) { if (!niftyIsEditing) { if (!typing) { typing = true; socket.emit('typing', { chatid: wplc_cid }); } lastTypingTime = (new Date()).getTime(); setTimeout(function () { var typingTimer = (new Date()).getTime(); var timeDiff = typingTimer - lastTypingTime; if (timeDiff >= TYPING_TIMER_LENGTH && typing) { if (typeof wplc_online !== 'undefined' && wplc_online === true) { socket.emit('stop typing', { chatid: wplc_cid }); } typing = false; } }, TYPING_TIMER_LENGTH); } } } /** * JS Based cleanup to prevent injected code snippets from ever making it to the server. * * The server will also handle some cleanup in this regard * * @param {string} input The content to clean * @return {string} The clean content */ function cleanInput(input) { var input_cleaned = input; if (typeof input_cleaned !== 'string') { return input_cleaned; } return input_cleaned.replace(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, ''); } /** * Get the username of the person who is typing (Example: Agent is typing) * * @param {object} data Packet to check */ function getTypingMessages(data) { return jQuery('.typing.message').filter(function (i) { return jQuery(this).data('username') === data.username; }); } /** * Send a chat message using the socket. Also checks if this is a new message, or an edit to an existing message. * * @param {string} message Message to be sent */ function sendMessage(message) { // Prevent markup from being injected into the message message = cleanInput(message); if (typeof bleeper_convert_colon_to_uni !== "undefined") { message = bleeper_convert_colon_to_uni(message); } if (niftyIsEditing !== false) { // we edited a message msgID = parseInt(niftyIsEditing); jQuery(".message_" + msgID + " .messageBody").attr("data-message", message); jQuery(".message_" + msgID + " .messageBody").html(wplcFormatParser(message)); socket.emit('edit message', { message: message, chatid: wplc_cid, msgID: msgID }); jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "bleeper_edited_message", ndata: { message: message, chatid: wplc_cid, msgID: msgID } }); jQuery("#wplc_chatmsg").val(""); niftyIsEditing = false; } else { var randomNum = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1); var msgID = + randomNum; lastmessagesent = msgID; var ndata = { username: username, message: message, aoru: 'u', msgID: msgID, is_admin: false } jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "bleeper_send_message", message: message, msg_id: msgID }); jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "bleeper_new_message", ndata: ndata, msgID: msgID }); // tell server to execute 'new message' and send along one parameter var msgObject = { message: message, chatid: wplc_cid, msgID: msgID, aoru: 'u' }; socket.emit('new message', msgObject); /* run timer to check if message was delivered! */ bleeperConfirmDelivery(msgID, msgObject); } } /** * Update the chat status cookie * * @param {string} new_status The status you would like to store */ function niftyUpdateStatusCookie(new_status) { Cookies.set('nc_status', new_status, { expires: 1, path: '/' }); } /** * Update the visitors gravatar cookie * * @param {string} grav_hash Gravatar Hash (MD5 of email address) */ function niftyUpdateGravCookie(grav_hash) { Cookies.set('wplc_grav_hash', grav_hash, { expires: 1, path: '/' }); wplc_cookie_grav_hash = grav_hash; } /** * Update the name and email cookies * * @param {string} name Name of the visitor * @param {string} email Email of the visitor */ function niftyUpdateUserDataCookies(name, email) { Cookies.set('wplc_name', name, { expires: 1, path: '/' }); Cookies.set('wplc_email', email, { expires: 1, path: '/' }); wplc_cookie_name = name; wplc_cookie_email = email; } /** * Open the chat box * * @param {bool} force Force open regardless of state */ var open_chat = function (force) { var tmp_cookie_val = nc_getCookie('nifty_minimize'); nifty_is_minimized = tmp_cookie_val == '' || tmp_cookie_val == 'false' || tmp_cookie_val == false ? false : true; nifty_chat_status_temp = nc_getCookie("nc_status"); wplc_chat_status_temp = nc_getCookie("wplc_chat_status"); if (nifty_chat_status_temp === "active") { niftyUpdateStatusCookie("active"); wplc_connect(true); if (!nifty_is_minimized) { jQuery.event.trigger({ type: "nifty_trigger_open_chat_2", wplc_online: wplc_online }); nifty_is_chat_open = true; } } else if (nifty_chat_status_temp === "browsing" || wplc_chat_status_temp === "5") { //Added 11 here for usability if (jQuery("#wp-live-chat-2").is(":visible") === false && jQuery("#wp-live-chat-4").is(":visible") === false) { jQuery("#wp-live-chat-2").show(); jQuery("#wp-live-chat-header").addClass("active"); } } } /** * Get the selection range on the current element * * @param {element} elem The element you would like to check */ function getText(elem) { if (checkSelection) { if (selectedIndexStart !== elem.selectionStart) { selectedIndexStart = elem.selectionStart; } if (selectedIndexEnd !== elem.selectionEnd) { selectedIndexEnd = elem.selectionEnd; } } } /** * Legacy code for the hidden text editor which autmatically adds tags like 'link:' or 'mark:' * * Depracated, but supported for legacy users * * @param {string} insertContent Tag to insert */ function niftyTextEdit(insertContent) { if (typeof selectedIndexStart !== "undefined" && typeof selectedIndexEnd !== "undefined") { checkSelection = false; /*Text editor Code here*/ jQuery("#wplc_chatmsg").focus(); var current = jQuery("#wplc_chatmsg").val(); var pre = current.substr(0, (selectedIndexStart > 0) ? selectedIndexStart : 0); var selection = current.substr(selectedIndexStart, selectedIndexEnd - selectedIndexStart); var post = current.substr(((selectedIndexEnd < current.length) ? selectedIndexEnd : current.length), current.length); current = pre + insertContent + ":" + selection + ":" + insertContent + post; jQuery("#wplc_chatmsg").val(current); checkSelection = true; } } /** * Handles uploading a file within the chat * * @param {file} fileToUpload The file to upload * @param {string} failedID The id of the div to show when upload fails * @param {string} successID The id of the div to show when upload succeeds * @param {string} uploadingID The id of the div to show when upload is in progress * @param {string} originalID The id of the div to show when upload final div to show after evething is complete */ function wplcShareFile(fileToUpload, failedID, successID, uploadingID, originalID) { var formData = new FormData(); formData.append('file', fileToUpload); formData.append('timestamp',; jQuery(uploadingID).show(); jQuery(originalID).hide(); jQuery(successID).hide(); jQuery(failedID).hide(); var uploadUrl = ''; uploadUrl = (typeof bleeper_override_upload_url !== "undefined" && bleeper_override_upload_url !== "") ? bleeper_override_upload_url : uploadUrl; if (".php") === -1 &&".html") === -1 &&".asp") === -1 &&".svg") === -1) { //Files allowed - continue if (fileToUpload.size < 8000000) { jQuery.ajax({ url: uploadUrl, type: 'POST', data: formData, cache: false, processData: false, contentType: false, success: function (data) { if (parseInt(data) !== 0) { jQuery(uploadingID).hide(); jQuery(successID).show(); setTimeout(function () { jQuery(successID).hide(); jQuery(originalID).show(); }, 2000); //All good post the link to file var fileLinkUrl = false; if (!bleeperIsJson(data)) { //This is not a parsable JSON string if (typeof data !== "object") { fileLinkUrl = data; } else { if (typeof data.response !== "undefined") { //Our url is in response index fileLinkUrl = data.response; } else { fileLinkUrl = data; } } } else { //This is a parsable JSON string which will now be converted into an object var dataPacket = JSON.parse(data); if (typeof dataPacket.response !== "undefined") { //Our url is in response index fileLinkUrl = dataPacket.response; } else { fileLinkUrl = data; } } if (fileLinkUrl !== false) { var tag = (fileLinkUrl.indexOf(".png") !== -1 || fileLinkUrl.indexOf(".PNG") !== -1 || fileLinkUrl.indexOf(".jpg") !== -1 || fileLinkUrl.indexOf(".JPG") !== -1 || fileLinkUrl.indexOf(".jpeg") !== -1 || fileLinkUrl.indexOf(".JPEG") !== -1 || fileLinkUrl.indexOf(".gif") !== -1 || fileLinkUrl.indexOf(".GIF") !== -1 || fileLinkUrl.indexOf(".bmp") !== -1 || fileLinkUrl.indexOf(".BMP") !== -1) ? "img" : "link"; if (tag !== "img") { tag = (fileLinkUrl.indexOf(".mp4") !== -1 || fileLinkUrl.indexOf(".mpeg4") !== -1 || fileLinkUrl.indexOf(".webm") !== -1 || fileLinkUrl.indexOf(".oog") !== -1) ? "video" : "link"; //video now } jQuery("#wplc_chatmsg").val(tag + ":" + fileLinkUrl + ":" + tag); //Add to input field jQuery("#wplc_send_msg").trigger("click"); //Send message jQuery("#bleeper_send_msg").trigger("click"); //Send message setTimeout(function () { $messages[0].scrollTop = $messages[0].scrollHeight; }, 1000); } } else { jQuery(uploadingID).hide(); jQuery(failedID).show(); setTimeout(function () { jQuery(failedID).hide(); jQuery(originalID).show(); }, 2000); } }, error: function () { jQuery(uploadingID).hide(); jQuery(failedID).show(); setTimeout(function () { jQuery(failedID).hide(); jQuery(originalID).show(); }, 2000); } }); } else { alert("File limit is 8mb"); jQuery(uploadingID).hide(); jQuery(failedID).show(); setTimeout(function () { jQuery(failedID).hide(); jQuery(originalID).show(); }, 2000); } } else { alert("File type not supported"); jQuery(uploadingID).hide(); jQuery(failedID).show(); setTimeout(function () { jQuery(failedID).hide(); jQuery(originalID).show(); }, 2000); } } /** * Process all inline formatting (For example: bold, italic, preformatted, etc) within a message * * @param {string} msg The chat message * @return {string} The formatted message */ var wplcFormatParser = function (msg) { var bypass_inline_links = false; // This is now handled easily with an inline link handler msg = msg.replace(/link:(.+?):link/g, "$1"); if (msg.indexOf("video:") !== -1) { msg = msg.replace(/video:/g, ""); bypass_inline_links = true; //There is a video being processed, let's leave it alone } if (msg.indexOf('wplc-ds-wrapper') !== -1) { bypass_inline_links = true; } if (msg.indexOf("mark:") !== -1) { msg = msg.replace(/mark:/g, ""); } if (msg.indexOf(":mark") !== -1) { msg = msg.replace(/:mark/g, ""); } if (msg.indexOf("strike:") !== -1) { msg = msg.replace(/strike:/g, ""); } if (msg.indexOf(":strike") !== -1) { msg = msg.replace(/:strike/g, ""); } if (msg.indexOf("sub:") !== -1) { msg = msg.replace(/sub:/g, ""); } if (msg.indexOf(":sub") !== -1) { msg = msg.replace(/:sub/g, ""); } if (msg.indexOf("sup:") !== -1) { msg = msg.replace(/sup:/g, ""); } if (msg.indexOf(":sup") !== -1) { msg = msg.replace(/:sup/g, ""); } //run singles last // Fix double emojis if (\:(\S+)(\:)(\S+)\:/g) !== -1) { msg = msg.replace(/\:(\S+)(\:)(\S+)\:/g, function (match, p1, p2, p3) { return [":", p1, "::", p3, ":"].join(''); }); } msg = wplc_emoji_render(msg); //First render the emojis - Preventing 's from breaking the content var italics_match = msg.match(/_([^*]*?)_/g); if (italics_match !== null) { for (var i = 0, len = italics_match.length; i < len; i++) { var to_find = italics_match[i]; var to_replace = to_find.substring(1, to_find.length - 1); // remove the starting _ and ending _ msg = msg.replace(to_find, "" + to_replace + ""); } } /* New IMG processor */ var image_match = msg.match(/img:([^*]*?):img/g); if (image_match !== null) { for (var i = 0, len = image_match.length; i < len; i++) { var to_find = image_match[i]; var to_replace = to_find.substring(4, to_find.length - 4); // remove the starting #### and ending #### msg = msg.replace(to_find, ""); bypass_inline_links = true; } } var image_match = msg.match(/####([^*]*?)####/g); if (image_match !== null) { for (var i = 0, len = image_match.length; i < len; i++) { var to_find = image_match[i]; var to_replace = to_find.substring(4, to_find.length - 4); // remove the starting #### and ending #### msg = msg.replace(to_find, ""); bypass_inline_links = true; //There is an image being processed, let's leave it alone } } var bold_match = msg.match(/\*\s*([^*]*?)\s*\*/g); if (bold_match !== null) { for (var i = 0, len = bold_match.length; i < len; i++) { var to_find = bold_match[i]; var to_replace = to_find.substring(1, to_find.length - 1); // remove the starting * and ending * msg = msg.replace(to_find, "" + to_replace + ""); } } var pre_match = msg.match(/```([^*]*?)```/g); if (pre_match !== null) { for (var i = 0, len = pre_match.length; i < len; i++) { var to_find = pre_match[i]; var to_replace = to_find.substring(3, to_find.length - 3); // remove the starting ``` and ending ``` msg = msg.replace(to_find, "
    " + to_replace + "
    "); } } var code_match = msg.match(/`([^*]*?)`/g); if (code_match !== null) { for (var i = 0, len = code_match.length; i < len; i++) { var to_find = code_match[i]; var to_replace = to_find.substring(1, to_find.length - 1); // remove the starting ` and ending ` msg = msg.replace(to_find, "" + to_replace + ""); } } msg = msg.replace(/\n/g, "
    "); if (bypass_inline_links === false) { msg = bleeper_inline_link_generator(msg); } return msg; } /** * Fire off needed events to confirm message delivry event * * @param {string} msgID Message ID * @param {object} msgObject Message object */ function bleeperConfirmDelivery(msgID, msgObject) { jQuery.event.trigger({ type: 'bleeper_trigger_check_message_received', msgID: msgID, msgObject: msgObject }); } /** * Create the end chat div, which holds the restart chat button */ function bleeper_end_chat_div_create() { jQuery('', { 'class': 'bleeper_restart_chat', href: "javascript:void(0);", title: "Restart chat", html: "Restart chat", }).appendTo('#bleeper_chat_ended'); } /** * Render emojis within a message string * * @param {string} msg The chat message * @return {string} The chat message with emojis */ function wplc_emoji_render(msg) { if (typeof wdtEmojiBundle !== "undefined") { msg = wdtEmojiBundle.render(msg); } return msg; } /** * Add the user/socket as a user by sending all needed data to the server * * @param {socket} socket The current users socket * @param {data} data The visitor data packet */ function nc_add_user(socket, data) { var data = {}; /* recurring visitor */ /* find out if we have had a chat with this visitor before */ chatid = nc_getCookie("wplc_cid"); if (typeof chatid !== "undefined") { wplc_cid = chatid; nc_name = nc_getCookie("nc_username"); wplc_name = nc_getCookie("wplc_name"); } var bleeper_customerID = wplc_getCookie('bleeper_customerID'); if (typeof bleeper_customerID !== "undefined" && bleeper_customerID !== '' && bleeper_customerID !== null) { data.customerID = bleeper_customerID; } /* blocked? */ var bleeper_b = wplc_getCookie('bleeper_b'); if (typeof bleeper_b !== "undefined" && bleeper_b === '1') { console.log("[WPLC] You have been blocked from using WP Live Chat Support"); return; } else { if (typeof chatid !== "undefined") { if (typeof nc_name !== "undefined") { data.username = nc_name; } else { if (typeof wplc_name !== 'undefined') { data.username = wplc_name; } else { data.username = 'Guest'; } } data.api_key = bleeper_api_key; data.wplc_cid = chatid; } else { /* first time user */ data.username = 'Guest'; data.api_key = bleeper_api_key; data.wplc_cid = null; } data.date_first = bleeper_first; data.date_current = bleeper_current; data.timezoneUTC = bleeper_get_timezone(); data.device_in_use = bleeper_get_device_in_use(); data.operating_system = bleeper_get_operating_system(); if (typeof bleeper_location_info !== "undefined" && bleeper_location_info !== false) { data.location_info = bleeper_location_info; } if (typeof wplc_extra_data !== 'undefined' && typeof wplc_extra_data['wplc_user_selected_department'] !== 'undefined') { data.department = wplc_extra_data['wplc_user_selected_department']; } /** * Let's identify if this user is a visitor. If they are, lets set the connection type to "SHORT" so that the connection can be dropped immediately once data is received. * This negates the need for having the socket stay open for visitors. */ nc_status = nc_getCookie("nc_status"); if (typeof nc_status === "undefined" || nc_status === "browsing") { data.connectiontype = "short"; } socket.emit('add user', data); } } /** * Get a specific cookie's value * * @param {string} name Cookie key * @return {string} Cookie value */ function nc_getCookie(name) { var value = "; " + document.cookie; var parts = value.split("; " + name + "="); if (parts.length == 2) return parts.pop().split(";").shift(); } /** * Checks to see if the init chat box function has been loaded (via another JS file). If not, it will recursively keep trying until it has been loaded * * @param {int} cid Chat ID * @return {void} */ function nifty_init_chat_box_check(cid) { if (typeof wplc_init_chat_box === "function") { wplc_init_chat_box(cid); } else { if (typeof wplc_init_chat_box !== "undefined" && wplc_init_chat_box !== false) { setTimeout(function () { /* keep checking every 500ms to see if that function exists */ nifty_init_chat_box_check(cid); }, 500); } } } /** * Check if string is JSON object * * @param {string} str String to check * @return {bool} True if string is JSON */ function bleeperIsJson(str) { try { JSON.parse(str); } catch (e) { return false; } return true; } /** * Test to make sure localStorage exists and is enabled * * @return {bool} True if locale storage is available, false if not */ function wplc_test_localStorage() { if (typeof localStorage !== 'undefined') { try { localStorage.setItem('bleeper_test', 'yes'); if (localStorage.getItem('bleeper_test') === 'yes') { localStorage.removeItem('bleeper_test'); return true; // localStorage is enabled } else { return false; // localStorage is disabled } } catch (e) { return false; // localStorage is disabled } } else { return false; // localStorage is not available } } /* * Returns a user readable timezone difference from UTC (ex: +2 which is UTC+2) * * @return {string} The best guess of the users timezone. */ function bleeper_get_timezone() { var offsetFromUTC = new Date().getTimezoneOffset(); var offsetInHours = Math.floor(offsetFromUTC / 60); if (offsetInHours > 0) { //before standard UTD (-) return "-" + offsetInHours; } else if (offsetInHours < 0) { //Negative amount so this is after UTC (+) return offsetInHours.toString().replace("-", "+"); } else { //is a zero return "0"; } } /* * Returns a users estimated device (Desktop or Mobile) based on screen width * * @return {string} Device type (mobile|desktop) */ function bleeper_get_device_in_use() { if (jQuery(window).width() < 900) { //Width is less than 900 return "mobile"; } return "desktop"; } /* * Returns the users OS - will only run once as we have a check in place to see if the variable has been set. * This is done to prevent Regular Expression from being performed more often than we need it */ function bleeper_get_operating_system() { if (bleeper_user_current_os === false && typeof navigator !== "undefined" && navigator.userAgent !== "undefined") { var current_user_agent = navigator.userAgent; var possibleOsList = [{ s: 'Windows 10', r: /(Windows 10.0|Windows NT 10.0)/ }, { s: 'Windows 8.1', r: /(Windows 8.1|Windows NT 6.3)/ }, { s: 'Windows 8', r: /(Windows 8|Windows NT 6.2)/ }, { s: 'Windows 7', r: /(Windows 7|Windows NT 6.1)/ }, { s: 'Windows Vista', r: /Windows NT 6.0/ }, { s: 'Windows Server 2003', r: /Windows NT 5.2/ }, { s: 'Windows XP', r: /(Windows NT 5.1|Windows XP)/ }, { s: 'Windows 2000', r: /(Windows NT 5.0|Windows 2000)/ }, { s: 'Windows ME', r: /(Win 9x 4.90|Windows ME)/ }, { s: 'Windows 98', r: /(Windows 98|Win98)/ }, { s: 'Windows 95', r: /(Windows 95|Win95|Windows_95)/ }, { s: 'Windows NT 4.0', r: /(Windows NT 4.0|WinNT4.0|WinNT|Windows NT)/ }, { s: 'Windows CE', r: /Windows CE/ }, { s: 'Windows 3.11', r: /Win16/ }, { s: 'Android', r: /Android/ }, { s: 'Open BSD', r: /OpenBSD/ }, { s: 'Sun OS', r: /SunOS/ }, { s: 'Linux', r: /(Linux|X11)/ }, { s: 'iOS', r: /(iPhone|iPad|iPod)/ }, { s: 'Mac OS X', r: /Mac OS X/ }, { s: 'Mac OS', r: /(MacPPC|MacIntel|Mac_PowerPC|Macintosh)/ }, { s: 'QNX', r: /QNX/ }, { s: 'UNIX', r: /UNIX/ }, { s: 'BeOS', r: /BeOS/ }, { s: 'OS/2', r: /OS\/2/ }, { s: 'Search Bot', r: /(nuhk|Googlebot|Yammybot|Openbot|Slurp|MSNBot|Ask Jeeves\/Teoma|ia_archiver)/ } ]; for (var id in possibleOsList) { var current_os = possibleOsList[id]; if (current_os.r.test(current_user_agent)) { bleeper_user_current_os = current_os.s; return bleeper_user_current_os; //Return and kill loop as we have a match } } //Made it past our loop - This shouldn't happen. But if it does the OS is unknown bleeper_user_current_os = "Unknown"; //Prevent loop from running again return bleeper_user_current_os; } else { return bleeper_user_current_os; //Just return the OS } } /** * Use Regular Exp seen above to parse any inline links automatically * Variable defined outside of function scope to reserve resources as seen here: * * @param {string} content Content to filter * @return {string} Fitlered content */ function bleeper_inline_link_generator(content) { return content.replace(bleeper_link_match_regex, function (url) { if (url.indexOf("wdt-emoji") === -1) { url = bleeper_url_path_em_stripper(url); return '' + bleeper_attachment_label_filter(url) + ''; } else { url = bleeper_url_path_em_stripper(url); return url; } }); } /** * Removes any instances of "" or "" from a path. Used in fixes of the image uploader, and link processing * * @param {string} path_url Path to cleanup * @return {string} Clean path URL */ function bleeper_url_path_em_stripper(path_url) { if (path_url.indexOf("") !== -1) { path_url = path_url.replace(//g, "_"); } if (path_url.indexOf("") !== -1) { path_url = path_url.replace(/<\/em>/g, "_"); } return path_url; } /** * Check if string contains any file suffixes * If so return 'Attachment' - Else Return self * * @param {string} content Content to filter * @return {string} Fitlered content */ function bleeper_attachment_label_filter(content) { var fileExt = content.split('.').pop(); fileExt = fileExt.toLowerCase(); for (var i in bleeper_file_suffix_check) { if (fileExt === bleeper_file_suffix_check[i]) { return "Attachment"; } } return content; } /** * Test to make sure sessionStorage exists and is enabled * * @return {bool} True on success, and false on fail */ function wplc_test_sessionStorage() { if (typeof sessionStorage !== 'undefined') { try { sessionStorage.setItem('bleeper_test', 'yes'); if (sessionStorage.getItem('bleeper_test') === 'yes') { sessionStorage.removeItem('bleeper_test'); return true; // sessionStorage is enabled } else { return false; // sessionStorage is disabled } } catch (e) { return false; // sessionStorage is disabled } } else { return false; // sessionStorage is not available } } /** * Recusively initialize the input field for emoji support. If an error occurs it will attempt again. * * Will try to initialize up to 5 times. * @param {int} attempt Attempt number */ function bleeper_attempt_emoji_input_init(attempt) { try { wdtEmojiBundle.init('.wdt-emoji-bundle-enabled'); } catch (err) { if (attempt < 5) { attempt++; setTimeout(function () { bleeper_attempt_emoji_input_init(attempt); }, 1000); } } } /** * Clean up the query string * * @param {string} current_query Current Query String * @return {string} Modified Query String */ function wplc_query_cleanup(current_query) { if (current_query.charAt(0) === "&") { current_query = current_query.substring(1); } return current_query; } /** * Powered By Link for WPLC, which is appended to the chat box content */ function wplc_powered_by() { if (typeof wplc_integration_pro_active === "undefined" || (typeof bleeper_force_powered_by !== 'undefined' && bleeper_force_powered_by === true)) { var html = ' WP Live Chat Support'; if (jQuery("#wp-live-chat-4").length) { jQuery("#wp-live-chat-4").append(html); } if (jQuery("#wp-live-chat-2").length) { jQuery("#wp-live-chat-2").append(html); } jQuery(".wplc_powered_by").css('position', 'absolute'); jQuery(".wplc_powered_by").css('padding-left', '10px'); jQuery(".wplc_powered_by").css('bottom', '-82px'); jQuery(".wplc_powered_by").css('font-size', '10px'); jQuery(".wplc_powered_by").css('font-family', 'Roboto, sans-serif'); jQuery(".wplc_powered_by a").css('color', '#adadad'); jQuery(".wplc_powered_by a").css('font-weight', '700'); jQuery(".wplc_powered_by a").css('color', '#989898'); /* If this is classic theme */ jQuery(".classic .wplc_powered_by").css('bottom', '0px'); jQuery(".classic #wplc_user_message_div").css('margin-bottom', '10px'); jQuery("#wp-live-chat-2 .wplc_powered_by").css('bottom', '0px'); jQuery(".wplc_powered_by").css('left', '0px'); } } /** * Get a specific cookie by name * @param {string} name Name of the cookie * @return {string} Value of store cookie */ function wplc_getCookie(name) { var value = "; " + document.cookie; var parts = value.split("; " + name + "="); if (parts.length == 2) return parts.pop().split(";").shift(); }